Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Ballet Opportunity and Week 2 of Ballet Camp

Because of the request of a mother, I have been thinking about the younger ones among our girls who await anxiously the age of maturity when ballet is a possibility for them.
What if we made that wait a little easier by offering a ballet prep class?
Pending interest (I need at least 4 to begin it), I will teach a 20 minute ballet prep class for girls ages 2 to 4 on Mondays after the regular ballet classes. The cost for this class will be $50 for the semester and recital.
The Ballet Prep Class will work such concepts as awareness of body in space, stretching, basic ballet positions and steps, rhythm and free form dance. We will also play dancing games and learn a short recital piece to perform at the recital on November 13th (at 3:45pm).
FYI: I usually suggest that students be at least 3 years of age for the regular ballet classes, and I have students up to age 10 taking those classes. Students are mixed ages, but I have certain requirements for each age group. For instance, I feel that a 3 year old in a regular class who can find her spot, respond to direct requests and sit and stand with the rest of the girls is doing wonderfully! With the older girls, I work with more advanced concepts of doing the steps with ballet poise, rhythm and musicality.
And now for some pics of the girls from the 2nd Ballet Camp.
Everyone did so well; thank you for your participation!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ballet Camp 2012 Week #1

We had so much fun reading ballet books, having snacks, doing crafts, coloring and of course

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ballet Camp 2012

Here is some of what you can look forward to:
*Learning a lot of ballet, including names of positions and movements.
*Learning a ballet recital piece to the music of the Flower Festival in Gestano
*Lots of dance and movement including some yoga and some free dance time
*Creating a flower wand with streamers
*Making a flower frame for your picture from the week
*Making a flower skirt to wear during the recital on Friday (at 11:15)
*Coloring lots of different ballet pictures and learning the movements being portrayed in each
*Making a life-size ballet drawing of yourself in your favorite ballet position
*Making edible flowers and having a yummy snack each day

Ballerinas need to be at the Lookout Elementary School skating rink (the lower gym) each camp day at 9:30am.  Moms can either park and walk their girls into the skating rink or just drop off if you're comfortable with that. I'll be at the door each day to welcome campers.
Ballerinas should wear a leotard, tights and ballet shoes or something as close to those items as possible. (for instance a t-shirt, leggings, and ballet-like shoes) The Batterie on Broad, near the KFC, is a great place to find all of these items. If ballerinas are in leotard and tights, I suggest that they go without panties. They tend to show and often end up being uncomfortable as we wear our ballet clothes for almost 3 hours. Please make sure ballet shoes have laces that are tied in such a way that your girls will be comfortable for that amount of time as well. Ballerinas are welcome to wear skirts or dress up ballet costumes as long as these items fit well and are comfortable.
Ballerinas should bring a well-marked water bottle each day. There is a water fountain in the gym, but it can be warm and unpredictable. 

I can't wait 'til ballet camp begins!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spring 2012 Recital

Thanks so much to all the beautiful ballerinas who took ballet this spring!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Summer Ballet Camps 2012

Ballet Camps at Lookout Mountain Elementary School Skating Rink

All camps are open to any ages.
No camps on Wednesdays (hard working ballerinas need a little break!)

Camp 1 July 16-20 9:30am-12pm

Camp 2  July 16-20 12:30pm-3pm

Camp 3  July 23-27 9:30am-12pm

Camp 4  July 23-27 12:30pm-3pm

This summer we will be focusing on flowers! We will ballance, burree, glissade and arabesque to flower music. We will create a flower skirt and several flower crafts--we’ll even make edible flowers! Each girl will receive a ballet medal upon completing the camp. We will learn a recital piece to flower music to show off at 2pm on Friday of each camp week. Invite family, friends and neighbors to come a see our little flower ballerinas shine!
For all boys interested--we will incorporate bugs into our flower week just for you (and those girls who like bugs too!)
Each day of camp we will also have a small, allergen free snack.
Cost for each camp is $100 per student, $85 for siblings.

Spaces are limited, so register now by commenting, calling or emailing!

I hope you can join us for a fun Flower Festival Camp, Summer 2012!
Olivia Oster

Spring 2012 Ballet

Ballet Spring Semester 
The Spring Semester of ballet will begin April 9 and run every Monday until May 21. 

There will be a 3-3:45pm class and a 3:45-4:30pm class. 
The recital for both classes will be on May 22 at 3:45pm. 
Monday Dates: April 9, 16, 23, 30; May 7, 14, 21.
Spring Semester--$100 (siblings $85)

Just as a reminder--There are no "hidden costs" in Miss Olivia's Ballet. We use simple embellishments for our leotards for the recital so that we don't have to order expensive costumes. All that is needed for the class is a leotard, tights and ballet shoes. Many stores now carry these items, but I always suggest the Batterie on Broad (near KFC) as a great place to find quality brands for all three.

Please provide your daughter's name, address, phone number and which option from above you would choose. 
Feel free to contact me with any questions!

Olivia Oster